Residential for Sale

High n Dry Bush Block in Great Location

3474/3995 Fog Bay Road DUNDEE DOWNS NT

Sold for $160,000


Firebreaks are in, power passing, block has been left with all the natural timbers in place and you have 22 and a half beautiful acres to work with. Whether you want to build your very own weekend hideaway, a modest castle for you and the family or leave the block as it is with 1 million didgeridoos on it – it’s an unspoiled, vacant natural bush block so the choice is yours what to do with it.

Being right on Fog Bay Rd this property is within easy reach of so many facilities:
* Coolalinga (1hr),
* Dundee Lodge 23 kms,
* Crab Claw (30kms),
* Sand Palms (an easy 9 mins drive)
* Milne Inlet boat ramp (a further 6mins from Sand Palms).

No obvious wet areas on the block and there is a slight rocky ridge towards the rear makes for great foundations to raise your home and your family in total privacy without being completely isolated from society.

Vital Details
* Lot: 3474 Hundred of Milne
* Size: 9 hectares 1400 square metres (approx 22 ½ acres)
* Easements: Nil known
* Power: Passing by but not connected
* Rates: Nil
* Zoning: NOZONE (No NT Planning Scheme zone applies)

Let’s get back to grass roots and if you’re looking at buying and setting up a property your way, then 3995 Fog Bay Rd is the perfect opportunity. Call or text George Pikos today to discuss – 04 3800 4800.

Category AcreageSemi-rural
Land Area 22.5 Acres
Beds 0
Baths 0
Cars 0

George Pikos

Mobile: 0438004800